Beans On Tour

Crazy Irish Kid Set Loose On Oz and Southeast Asia. Click the archives for old news, and scroll down here for the new! God bless Ireland

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Location: Athlone - Soon to be in Asia!, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

Welcome to my blog for the trip to SE Asia. Leave a comment if you can, t'will be greatly appreciated! ;) Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Well here we are now, the night before.
I'm almost packed and almost tired enough to fall asleep.
I've said bye, I've said I will miss you all, and I will.
I'll also be doing me auld best to get to this yoke as often as I can, and let y'all in on whats going down. I'll also be trying to shtick random phrases which mightn't be important or relevant, but will be shtuck in none-the-less.
A few numbered points to follow:

1. Take care of dear olde Ireland while I'm absent.
2. Someone fill my quota with Arthur Guinness.
3. Try farting in the bath sometime. It'll make you feel childish, but it will also make you laugh.
4. Take a moment to think about this: If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked along time ago.
5. Look after you small intestine, it's often overlooked and always abused.

We laughed, we cried, and maybe died a little inside.
But wasn't it worth it?....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy I got a mention. Woo hoooooooo. Miss ya Big Beansie.

2:32 a.m.  

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