Beans On Tour

Crazy Irish Kid Set Loose On Oz and Southeast Asia. Click the archives for old news, and scroll down here for the new! God bless Ireland

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Location: Athlone - Soon to be in Asia!, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

Welcome to my blog for the trip to SE Asia. Leave a comment if you can, t'will be greatly appreciated! ;) Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Insure my ass

After a loooonnnnnng time without it, I have insurance.
What an arsh I hear you say.
And you'd be right.
But here's my excuse:
You ready....
I was covered by BUPA for the first six months after leaving, so in the seventh month I'd forgotton I'd been out here for seven months, and was only went I went to the hospital with me auld finger that I realised it.
So next thing was my credit card was at the limit so I couldn't buy any.
And I kept thinking my loan was coming "Next week" due to the bank saying it was, in a way.
So I kept saying "OK next week..."
- Sadly the surfboard went into my head before the bank came through.
This went on for months, and now I've got a card that isn't at the max, I've gone and got some.
Granted it doesn't kick in until the tenth - due to it being half the price.
But I figure - "What's a few more days eh?!"

Complete arsh.

I'm just asking for it...


Blogger Ciara, Princess of the Universe said...

answer MEEEEE!!!
did you guys sell alf to mick, niall, gary and ciaran?
i need to know!
correcting the exams os making me clearly menthol.


12:01 a.m.  
Blogger Ciara, Princess of the Universe said...

just checked my own blog.
thanks for the answer.

of all the backpackers in all the continent of australia...

12:09 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bean, I can see dad shaking his head and making the tut noise as he reads that!

5:49 a.m.  
Blogger Ciara, Princess of the Universe said...

hey, i read it and shook my head.

does that mean i'm getting old?

6:32 a.m.  

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