Beans On Tour

Crazy Irish Kid Set Loose On Oz and Southeast Asia. Click the archives for old news, and scroll down here for the new! God bless Ireland

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Location: Athlone - Soon to be in Asia!, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

Welcome to my blog for the trip to SE Asia. Leave a comment if you can, t'will be greatly appreciated! ;) Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A.W.O.L. Bags and time that drags

Where to start...lets go with Raychel and her bag going to Maliga, Spain. "Why?" I hear you ask, well it's because the silly aer lingus woman put her on it as well, but when Raychwel realised someone was sitting in "her seat" (OK I'll stop with those stupid quote yokes now) they somehow forgot to change her bag from heading to sunny Spain for nylon strung guitars, and crazy golf.
Anywhoo..I'm here!
In Bangkok now, staying in a seedy hostel/hotel/slum, which oddly, after scattering our belongings across our floors, feels like home. A double and single room cost a whopping 6 smackers for both, for the night, god bless this place. :)
On the drive into Khao San road, it almost seemed they had speckled a tropical rainforest with houses and office blocks like a patchwork quilt, at times beautiful, at times dilapidated.
Our plans:

1. See more of Bangkok tomorrow and decide to stay, or go and do it before we leave, this all depends on what happens tomorrow.
2. To have a few more beers upstairs and a good bitch about the pros/cons of going south/north first.
3. To find away to stop Raychel puking!
4. To find out later if the writings on our walls are the truth, regarding visits from snakes and roaches and the like.
5. To try not do too much impulsive buying.
6. Stay away from dogs, ladies of the night, lady-boys of the night, shite food and ice cubes - all unpleasant and generally disease-ridden.

well I'd better go and drink this beer I speak of, as we have no fridge in the room, in fact besides a fake leather chair, two beds, two pillows - there isn't much else. We even have two windows, one of which has no pane in it!
Oh call me crazy, but I love it.
On with the deet and something ta bring down me swollen-flying-foot-syndrome.
Take care folks,
chat y'all soon!


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