Beans On Tour

Crazy Irish Kid Set Loose On Oz and Southeast Asia. Click the archives for old news, and scroll down here for the new! God bless Ireland

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Location: Athlone - Soon to be in Asia!, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

Welcome to my blog for the trip to SE Asia. Leave a comment if you can, t'will be greatly appreciated! ;) Hope you enjoy.

Monday, September 19, 2005

I'm ready for bed, I'm so ready for bed.

Diving. A diving course to be exact. Tis gas craic, more like it will be! We've been watching videos, doing tests, practical shite and the like, today we went diving in a swimming pool, amnt I cool, passing under people wearing togs, and me in suits and tanks and masks and jackets and whatever else they could fit inside the pool with me.
On another note, this place is gorgeous, a heaven of sorts, beautiful beaches, coral reefs, palm trees and whatever else you think paradise has, this place hasthe newer model, with heated seats, and cup-holders.
I'm sitting outside our apartment here, studying for our test and our first real open-water dive tomorrow. And Smeels just informed me we're doing two dives tomorrow. I get the feeling they're rushing us, to get more punters/money for themselves.
Thai people....they'll do anything for some Bhat, even chop off bits.
Raychel and our new Dutch friend Matthew, are gone to the full moon party. Smeels has a flu and I couldn't be arsed. Not my scene.
Hold on 'til I get an auld guitar and see if anything else comes to me.....
Ahhh yes.... Dad you'll have a good laugh at this, we rented motorbikes for a week or so the other day. Everyone uses them to get around the dirt tracks classified as roads.
I thought Bangkok had alot of dogs, I counted how many were asleep on the side of the road earlier, after 40feet I stopped counting at 22 dogs... that's alot of Dogs folks.
It was 35Degrees when we got here off our 3 and a half hour boat ride, I think its leveling round 30Degrees.
Rain comes, for an hour or two, but it's welcomed.
Time I gave Smeels a hand with our homework, the poor divil has done it all!
Chat ye soon


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