Beans On Tour

Crazy Irish Kid Set Loose On Oz and Southeast Asia. Click the archives for old news, and scroll down here for the new! God bless Ireland

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Location: Athlone - Soon to be in Asia!, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

Welcome to my blog for the trip to SE Asia. Leave a comment if you can, t'will be greatly appreciated! ;) Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Nine out of ten cars are Toyota Camrys

6.55 AM I'm up awful early today, gonna have some tea and pancakes (Oh yeah)
Went to Angkor Wat for the sunset yesterday, gorgeous, what a beauitful place, I don't know how they all abandoned it 600years ago, for Phnom Penh.
Afterwards we went to a free concert our tuk-tuk driver recommended.

Word of advice: Never, ever do anything a tuk-tuk driver recommends, or even says, he's not a tub of Ronseal.

I still don't understand why we keep doing it.
The concert:
I t was a doctor who set up three kids hospitals (Fair play ta him) and in between the six short pieces he did, he asked for our money, he asked for our blood, he urged the younger ones to give both, he showed us videos of sick children he was treating, he bombarded us with stats on what he's doing, and worst of all, he tried to make us feel guilty for what happened here in the late seventies.
Granted the US did provoke things, that's nothing new though. But to blame it on them, that's preposterous ( Note to self: come back to that word) and not only that, he tried to say the entire western civilisation was responsible.

So myself and Smeels have been putting certain words in our conversations, not on purpose as such, but if they come out once, they stay.
Here's the list of them, check it out:
1 surreptitiously
2 feasible
3 plausible
4 frivolous
5 thwarted
6 imperative
7 amalgamate
8 generic
9 ream
10 unhand
11 pedantic
12 noble
13 esoteric
14 impervious
15 scrupulous
16 insolence
17 preposterous (as seen in this post)

So it's back to Angkor at some stage when the kids get up


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fair play to ya. Have yerself a ball, ya hear? A BALL.

Pickin Jon up tomorrow morning at Shannon airport and then it's two weeks of musical mayhem. Saw Bill Sherrif's mom's place - a kip that needs gutting underneath Battery Heights . . . but it's in town and it's cheap. Hmmmmmmm

Kim's belly and contents are good.

Miss ya.


8:19 p.m.  

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