Beans On Tour

Crazy Irish Kid Set Loose On Oz and Southeast Asia. Click the archives for old news, and scroll down here for the new! God bless Ireland

My Photo
Location: Athlone - Soon to be in Asia!, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

Welcome to my blog for the trip to SE Asia. Leave a comment if you can, t'will be greatly appreciated! ;) Hope you enjoy.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Off to see the wizard

Did our last run at the temples today before coming home early.
We are all worn out:
Raychel stayed at home and listened to music(It's all the Devils Kar for the first time in a month - I feel her pain on that.
Smeels came, although she has a flu at the mo, exhausted from everything brought that baby on I'd say
- all who care for Smeels, she is fine, just a bit weak and achey, nothing new there. Hehe! Ah no, she's just a bit under the weather.
And I'm fecked 2, but we're all in agreement in that we did so much before we crashed.

We'll be travelling tomorrow on dire roads for the day. Then getting on the auld plane the day after, so I won't be at this for a wee while I'd say.
I like travelling, and wallowing in the nostalgic melancholy that comes with leaving each time.

Southeast Asia deep fried Bean curd signing off.
God bless Ireland
Cue the music....

P.S. Don't forget to scribble a new box for Donna and Joe, and tick it, when voting for our new president.
Everyone who's cool is gonna do it,.
It's the new Dustin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip to Oz Big Beansie.I'm booking my flight today.Yeyyyyyyyyyyyy...say hi to Louise for me :)

3:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm those III changed to lowercase when I hit publish.There goes my reputation.

3:46 p.m.  

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