Beans On Tour

Crazy Irish Kid Set Loose On Oz and Southeast Asia. Click the archives for old news, and scroll down here for the new! God bless Ireland

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Location: Athlone - Soon to be in Asia!, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

Welcome to my blog for the trip to SE Asia. Leave a comment if you can, t'will be greatly appreciated! ;) Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Streaky Baycon

Kippers for breakfast Aunt Helga?

We're in Streaky Bay. We are planing to get a photo of us streaking past the Streaky Bay sign (Oh those crazy neo-hippies)
The Nullarbor was amazing. Vast is the word, Terence survived, he's still ticking over, which is always a plus, seen as we live in him!
They have a massive Great White on display in a petrol station here, caught by a young fella just off the jetty. 5.5m long. It's so meaty... so meaty.
I shaved the beard today.
I cant stroke my chin now when I think, it's actually quite distressing.
I'm currently growing it back as I type. Me and my multitasking eh!?!

I've been out of phone coverage for some time now, and will continue to be for another 3-4days anyway.
To all who may have text recently, I mightn't ever get it as it's been off so long. Sorry!

We caught some fish last night, and we're gonna use them to catch bigger and bigger fish, eventually we'll ride the biggest fish home for free.

OK I better go get out in the sun and rid myself of this strange tan line growing up my face.
be quick.
be smart.
but above all, just be safe.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds great dare.smeels mum here last nite.putting flight plans into action!!!hope d fishing is going well and better dan d golf i played t day.will keep u posted on golf trip t Portugal. what a great crew t go with.still getting photos of the great nites and days we had dare.take care and keep in touch.xxxx

2:26 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you're back on the air Beans. Flanns & Brideswell are still tipping along. The buildup to the Xmas is on in earnest & the weather is becoming seasonal (i.e. frosty n cold - there was even a touch of snow last week. Can you imagine snow in an Ozzy desert?) Hope guitar is not too ill. Here's a Limerick for you:
there was an oul poptop called Terence
which drove through the outback with assurance
with Paddies and Jocks
opening tuna tins with rocks
whatever happened to traditional aboriginal bush tucker?
Stay well. Tony D

11:42 p.m.  

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