Beans On Tour

Crazy Irish Kid Set Loose On Oz and Southeast Asia. Click the archives for old news, and scroll down here for the new! God bless Ireland

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Location: Athlone - Soon to be in Asia!, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

Welcome to my blog for the trip to SE Asia. Leave a comment if you can, t'will be greatly appreciated! ;) Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


The nicest city we'll probably see.
It's almost like someone built some buildings around the parks and trees. They knew what they were at when they built this city on rock and roll.
Oh yeah I've got my number with me!
Here it is:
(+ = 00) +61431542934
And what's even better is I have it on now. I never got any texts sent before 24th Nov, but it's on now.
Had me first buskin' session with Tim, we picked the wrong time and only did it for 15minutes, but we did it! didn't make much hehe!
Had me first buskin' trad session, a few tunes but was great craic.
Had me first trad session in Oz, twas good, not great but they had such a variety of instruments the sound was great.
Had me first sickness due to dehydration, wasn't pleasant, but now I know: all beer and no water, makes Bean a dry roasted Bean.
Had me first time to stay in a gay bar, yes, yes, that's right, we're living above a gay bar. It's actually not as bad as we thought, they're super nice (to the guys - just kiddin') and everything is cheap and sometimes free, as not many want to stay above a gay bar. but we are eight of us, and we do what we want.
Oh I almost forgot, a German young fella and his girlfriend were here earlier in the week, he asked could he play my guitar one evening on the balcony. I gave it to him and proceeded to the toilet. While in there I heard a stereo playing Tommy Emmanuel, and I said "Great, I forgot Aussies will know Tommy as he is an Aussie"
But I was wrong, it was Daniel, the German who played guitar better then anyone I've seen (Except Tommy). From Tommy Emmanuel to Leo Kottke to Jacques Stotzem. The list went on, all flawless.
We are all staying in the same room, it's great craic. The shenanigans are rife.
I can never remember what I want to say when I come on this, I leave it too long between writings and I forget everything!
The guitar is glued and as good as new.
My clothes need to be laundered sooooo bad.
We drove past Clare which is down the road from Dublin village.
I nearly crashed looking at wallabys.
Terence has no power on the uphills.
Macleod tried to get me eaten by a shark in the water the other day.
Macleod kicked me in the face.
Macleod chucked his board at my head after pulling me back when the dark shape was lurking behind us.
I like Macleod, he's got balls.



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